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A strong seedling growing in the center

Learning How the Body Speaks and Learning How to Listen
Level 2: The Path of the Companion

Four Saturdays, October 9th through October 30th
1 PM to 4 PM Eastern Time

Classes will be taught and recorded on Zoom


In this course we move deeper into the Focusing process with experiential and conceptual learning about the Felt Sense, the language of the body and the heart of Focusing.

Learn to spend time with Presence, experiencing its qualities as you become a nurturing companion to your own or another’s Focusing process

Explore the edge of your experience: the unclear felt inner place where something more can be sensed and interacted with, where reactive patterns begin to unwind, the bodily felt sense where meaning emerges and is expressed.

Learn advanced listening skills that deepen the Focusing experience and provide ways to move beyond what is stuck.

Space is limited.  Register soon!


Early Bird Fee Extended: $300 



For questions email Karen or call 937-974-8945.






This course is for advanced students of the Enneagram who have completed Level One Focusing.

“Focusing came along just at the right time for me. I'd been exploring "bottom up" approaches to help with some deep-seated issues. The class teaching provided the necessary information, and the in-class and between classes practice made sure I actually was doing it. I highly recommend the class!”  - Pamela Hanson


“Karen ’s “Focusing” workshops have been an added practice with working with a partner to come inside and experience the felt sense in my body. It has been helpful in calming my nervous system and the ever quest for greater Presence.”  - Tom Baldwin


With Focusing I have experienced the intelligence of the body through the “Felt Sense” language that it speaks to me and its role in my journey to wholeness.”  - Carol Jackson


“Karen’s Focusing classes are empowering, awakening my capacity to welcome and nurture what I did not know and had disowned within me. Her teaching has changed my understanding of the work I do with others.”  - Eric McLellan



“We feel more than we can think, and we live more than we can feel. And if we enter into what we feel in certain genuine steps, we feel more than before. And there is much more still.”

Students say:


- Eugene Gendlin, Unpublished manuscript, 1971

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​​Copyright © 2023 Karen DeHart 


The Alexander Technique with Karen DeHart, LLC    

1498 Cheshire Road   Troy, OH  45373



Disclaimer:The services offered are complementary and not a substitute for medical diagnosis and medical care.

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